New Feature: Segment Subscribers by Location

A subscriber’s location is an important tool in delivering relevant email campaigns. If you want to give local information or personalize content based on local conditions, you have to first know where your subscribers are. Often times, obtaining this info isn’t easy, so we’re pleased to offer a new option to create geolocation segments– segments… Continue Reading…


New Feature: Subscribe Pages

Today we’re pleased to announce a simple new way to grow your subscriber list with Edge Sender. As of today, each list in your account has its own Subscribe Page- a simple page that you can customize and link anyone to so they can join your list. The best part? There’s no coding required! Unlike… Continue Reading…


New Feature: Subscriber Notifications

We’re happy to announce the release of an awesome new way to help you keep track of who is joining your subscriber lists. You’ll have complete control over what notifications you want to receive and when. Instant Updates You might be interested to know everything you can about individual subscribers as they join your list…. Continue Reading…


Our Forward and Preference Center pages are redesigned

Our goal of keeping Edge Sender the easiest to use email marketing system doesn’t end with our small business users- it extends to their subscribers as well. That’s why we’ve refreshed the look of the pages your subscribers see when they change their preferences, or forward your email campaign to a friend. These pages now… Continue Reading…