How To (Really) Know When To Send Email Campaigns

No one likes to hear someone babble on endlessly- not in person, and definitely not through digital marketing. While systems like Edge Sender make it really easy to create a quick email blast, how do you avoid running the risk of saying too much, too often? Back in 2012 a Pittsburgh Penguins fan filed a… Continue Reading…


Use These Mental Triggers In Email Subject Lines To Get Results

You may have written the most awesome and persuasive email copy in history, but if your subscriber deletes your campaign before they open it, none of that matters. In crowded inboxes, getting your email opened is a HUGE obstacle, especially with all the spam circulating out there. Here are some proven, time-tested tactics you can… Continue Reading…


Tip: Why You Shouldn’t Use URLs As Your Link Text

As an Edge Sender user, you’ve probably heard of ‘phishing’- the attempt to steal someone’s private information (like passwords) by getting them to click a link that takes them to a fraudulent website. What you may not be aware of is that phishing detection is built in to some email clients, and could be preventing… Continue Reading…


6 Places To Find Free Stock Photos

So you’ve just completed writing your company’s latest email campaign, but it’s still missing something. It needs some eye-catching images to make it pop. Images are also important when people share your email campaign, as social networks like Facebook automatically scan for an image to use as a thumbnail when linking to your content (see… Continue Reading…